Documents Forged By His Sister, Irwansyah's House Is Threatened With Confiscation

JAKARTA - The impact of the actions of Irwansyah's younger brother, Hafiz Fatur, has an impact on those closest to him. This was revealed after Hafiz was reported to have falsified documents to borrow money from a bank.

Irwansyah's house in Bintaro is in danger of being confiscated by the bank. Moreover, so far he is said to have not paid installments of money using the name Irwansyah.

"The bank has put a sign there. In the house that was pledged, in the Bintaro area. Since the sign has been installed, we complain," said Irwansyah's lawyer, Muhammad Zakir Rasyidin, quoted from the Sambel Lalap YouTube channel.

Apparently, Irwansyah's house was mortgaged by his younger brother. The house is an empty house that Zaskia Sungkar's husband entrusted to his parents during his life.

"They are harmed, we are also disadvantaged because the house has been installed with a sign. So our bank summons and complains to the Financial Services Authority (OJK)," continued Zakir.

Apart from the house, Zakir said that Hafiz had two things as collateral, namely land certificates and car vehicles.

"There is one car. So, there are approximately four houses and one car. The total loss is around 5 billion rupiah," he said.

It is known that apart from Irwansyah's assets, Zaskia Sungkar was also involved in this case. Zaskia is the commissioner of PT Halal Berkah Indonesia where Hafiz is the main director