Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi Strictly Reminds Officials: When Performance Results Are Not Appropriate, You Must Resign!

SURABAYA - The Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi, asked for regeneration in the Surabaya City Government when the implementation of the new Organizational Structure and Work Procedure (SOTK) began in 2022.

"When there are officials who want to retire (retire), they must leave their positions and provide opportunities and encouragement to the younger generation," said Mayor Eri Cahyadi in front of ASN during an apple at the Surabaya City Hall, quoted by Antara, Monday, January 3.

Therefore, he continued, all Surabaya City Government officials who were newly inaugurated at the end of 2021 must sign a work contract related to the output and outcome of the head of service, sub-district and village heads. The signing of the work contract was carried out in the fourth week of January 2022.

"I ask that the E-Project Planning must be completed in the second week of January 2021 and all projects, as well as physical and non-physical activities that are not monthly in nature, must stop at 100 percent in November. Except for PAK (Financial Budget Changes) activities and revision activities," he said.

In addition, Eri Cahyadi also said that the Surabaya mayor's expert staff will assess the output and outcome reports of all the staff. If it doesn't work, then he will remove the head of the service, sub-district, lurah and others. This is because the performance contract is made in a clear, measurable, and legible manner.

"When I removed you (you), it was based on the incompatibility of your output outcomes in the performance contract. When it did not match, you had to step down, I asked the budget team to make the output outcomes detailed and different from before," he said.

Furthermore, he also created a new tagline that serves as a guideline to serve the entire community in the City of Heroes.

"Our tagline is 'Out with a Solution' and every problem that comes in, then it must come out with a solution. I entrust this to you (you), because it will be a record of your performance," he said.

Finally, he advised all staff to continue to struggle, innovate, and dare to provide solutions to all problems, as well as maintain communication between employees.

"Happy are all residents of Surabaya, thank you, keep up the enthusiasm to work and work for your beloved city," he said.