4 Ambulance Car Tires Curup Bengkulu Health Center Stolen By Thieves, Police Intervene

BENGKULU - Rejang Lebong Police Officers, Bengkulu Police are hunting for the perpetrators of the theft of four ambulance tires belonging to the Curup Health Center which occurred on December 29, 2021.

Rejang Lebong Police Chief AKBP Puji Prayitno represented by Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Sampson Sosa Hutapea, said the perpetrators of the theft of the ambulance tires belonging to the Curup Health Center which were parked inside the fence began to be identified after checking CCTV footage.

"There are indications that more than two people are suspected of being the perpetrators, they are using four-wheeled vehicles. We are currently investigating and continuing to investigate until we find the culprits," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, January 3.

He explained that the theft of four ambulance tires that occurred on Wednesday morning (29/12), estimated to have occurred between 03.00-04.00 WIB, was recorded by CCTV cameras at the Curup Health Center.

So far, the investigation into the theft of ambulance tires belonging to the puskesmas in the middle of Curup City and which had gone viral on social media, his party has examined four witnesses, both puskesmas employees, puskesmas guards and ambulance drivers.

According to him, it is strongly suspected that the perpetrators of the theft of ambulance tires are a group of specialists in theft of car tires, although at this time his party has not received any reports from other residents who have become victims of similar thefts considering that it was carried out quickly and with training.

Previously, the ambulance car belonging to the Curup Health Center with license plate number BD 9149 KY went viral on social media after an image of this car parked in front of the emergency room while four of its tires were missing.

The ambulance was re-operated the next day after the Curup Health Center replaced it with new tires, so that the pick-up service for sick patients resumed.