Flash Flood Disaster In Northern Turkey Takes Five Casualties

JAKARTA - President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that flash floods hit the Black Sea, in northern Turkey, on Sunday, August 23. In his statement he said the disaster killed five people and left others injured and 12 people were missing.

“In the initial reports we received, we found five people dead and around 12 injured as a result of the massive flood. God willing, we will quickly overcome all forms of damage here, "he said as quoted by Reuters (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-turkey-floods/flash-floods-in-n]-turkey-kill-five-11 -missing-idUSKBN25J0BU).

Erdogan added that the flooding had spread to neighboring provinces. As a result, several people in Rize and Trabzon were reportedly injured.

Erdogan said the cause of flash floods was none other than heavy rains in Turkey. This makes the volume of water increase, and results in flash floods that drag debris and vehicles along the road.

Help came from many parties, including the private sector. The Turkish Humanitarian Aid Foundation (IHH), for example, swiftly helped the government in overcoming disasters. Even rescue teams will continue to be sent to affected places.

Noted, the rescue effort involved 1,000 volunteers and had saved 153 people. However, because the infrastructure was badly damaged, said Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, it was difficult for them to move. Fortunately, electricity in some areas remained on enough to help them cross the road to get to the location.

"We didn't expect it to be that bad," Soylu told reporters in Giresun. The government noted that at least 17 buildings collapsed and 361 were damaged.

Previously, the rainfall in the affected area was quite high. As a result, many of the residents' farms were damaged and crops failed.