End Of 2021 Reflection, Attorney General Burhanuddin Praises Erick Thohir Reveals The Asabri-Jiwasraya Case
JAKARTA - Indonesian Attorney General Burhanuddin said that 2021 will be a historic moment for law enforcement in Indonesia, especially the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia. He said that the Attorney General's Office had made real progress in the past year.
"We formed the Investment Task Force, the Land Mafia Eradication Task Force and the Port Mafia, and support the Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI)," he said in a statement on the 2021 End of Reflections and the 2022 Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Priority Program Plan, on Saturday. January 1 last.
Burhannudin also said that for one year the AGO succeeded in securing strategic development of 92 activities with a ceiling of around Rp. 162.5 trillion. In addition, enforcement of employee integrity through Task Force 53 and the implementation of restorative justice for 346 cases.
For one year, the Attorney General's Office also enforced the law on corruption that was oriented towards the loss of the state economy.
"The Attorney General's Office also demands the death penalty against corruption defendants who have repeated their crimes," he said.
As is known, the defendant in the PT Asabri corruption case, the President Commissioner of PT Trada Alam Minera, Heru Hidayat, was sentenced to death by the Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Attorney General's Office.
The Attorney General gave high appreciation to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Erik Tohir for his contribution and cooperation in fully uncovering the mega corruption scandals at PT Asuransi Jiwasraya and PT ASABRI (Persero).
In that one year reflection, the Attorney General's Office also took various strategic steps to maintain the dignity of the institution and strengthen the institution. Among other things, the rescue and recovery of state losses that were successfully carried out by the Asset Recovery Center amounted to Rp255.5 billion.
"The realization of Non-Tax State Revenue has also exceeded the target of Rp920 billion," he said.
Burhanuddin added that a number of efforts had been made to eliminate threats, disturbances, obstacles, challenges (AGHT) of state security stability, and boost economic growth, starting from collecting data on suspected terrorists as many as 395 people and 99 terrorist organizations, both national and international, in order to build a data bank. intelligence. Then carry out investment security with a total budget of IDR 691 trillion.
"Arrested as many as 137 people who are included in the prosecutor's DPO, with details of 88 special criminal cases and 49 general criminal cases," he added.
Furthermore, the Prosecutor's Office has handled 1,852 cases and has executed 935 convicts. Several other achievements were also successfully carried out. Among other things, the rescue of state finances amounting to Rp. 21.2 trillion and US$ 763,080 and 32,900 Singapore dollars.
Likewise with the Non-Tax State Revenue of Rp415.6 billion. The Attorney General also said that the Prosecutor's Office had also made achievements during 2021 in terms of handling civil and state administrative cases, including the Rescue of State Finances of Rp. 421.4 billion and State Financial Recovery of Rp. 3.5 trillion.