The Government And DPR Together With The KPU Must Discuss More In The 2024 Election Agenda, Here's The Explanation!

JAKARTA - The General Elections Commission, as the organizer of the election, together with the Indonesian Parliament and the government in 2022, will discuss the date of the 2024 General Election and regional head elections in 34 provinces and 514 regencies/cities in the same year.

The government and the DPR RI are asked not to just listen and accommodate the voice of the people. However, it is necessary to discuss it in a hearing with the General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI).

Meanwhile, related to the preparation of the Draft General Election Commission (PKPU) Regulation on the Stages, Programs, and Schedule of the 2024 General Election and Pilkada, the organizers of this election also need to accommodate inputs from various parties, including civil society.

In fact, towards the end of 2021, the issue is quite widespread. In addition, there was a postponement of the hearing between the election organizers, the Indonesian House of Representatives, and the government related to the determination of the date and month of the 2024 General Election, civil society also spoke up.

As reported by Antara, the Advisory Council Member of Perludem Titi Anggraini regretted that the discussion on the 2024 General Election schedule dragged on even though Article 167 paragraph (2) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections stated that the day, date, and time for the general election were determined by a KPU decision. .

The complexity of determining this schedule, according to Titi Anggraini, cannot be separated from the implementation of regional head elections (pilkada) which will take place in November 2024, as mandated by Article 201 paragraph (8) of Law Number 10 of 2016.

Therefore, in determining the schedule for simultaneous elections, the election for legislative members (pileg), and the presidential election (pilpres) must also calculate the time wedge with the holding of regional elections. The problem is, the D-day of the election voting that is too close to the Pilkada is certainly more risky to the heavy burden of administration and the potential for conflict that could occur.

It is difficult to argue that the discussion of the delayed schedule is completely independent of the interests of the parties in determining the voting day according to their preferences. Especially for those who want voting day to take place on May 15, 2024.

Moreover, said this election activist, previously the Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs had stated that the election schedule should be decided by the new KPU, not by the current KPU.

Mepet Agenda

Throughout 2021, there will be at least three discourses related to the implementation of the 2024 General Election, namely February 21, April 17, and May 15. However, all of this must not violate the constitution, unless before the election there is an amendment to the 1945 Constitution.

Election organizers, the DPR, and the government are asked to pay attention to the D-Day of the inauguration of the elected candidates. Both in the Presidential/Vice-Presidential Election, the Election for Members of the DPR RI, the Election for Members of the DPD RI, as well as the elected candidates in the election for members of the Provincial/Regency/Municipal DPRD.

In connection with this general election, it is enshrined in Article 22E of the 1945 Constitution. It is stated in paragraph (1) that the general election is held in a direct, general, free, secret, honest and fair manner every 5 years.

Furthermore, paragraph (2) states that general elections are held to elect members of the DPR, the Regional Representatives Council (DPD), the president and vice president, and the Regional People's Representative Council (DPRD).

Specifically related to the term of office of the president/vice president, Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution states that the president and vice president hold office for 5 years, and thereafter can be re-elected in the same office, only for one term.

With the stipulation of elections every April 17, said Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court for the period 2013-2015 Hamdan Zoelva, does not change the agenda for the inauguration of the elected candidate pairs in the presidential election, which is every October 20. This has been tested in the 2014 and 2019 presidential elections.

Likewise, the inauguration of elected legislative candidates in the DPR and DPD 2019 elections has been confirmed before the members of the DPR/DPD for the 2014-2019 period end. The 2019 Election Products were sworn in on October 1st.

The organizers also need to take into account the dispute over the election results in the Constitutional Court, there is even the possibility of a re-vote (PSU). At the same time, the Pilkada enters the stages of official guidance and technology, updating voter data, and verifying support for individual candidates. Not to mention, if there is a second round of the presidential election.

On that basis, constitutional law expert Hamdan Zoelva at that time suggested that legislators should set the election agenda on the same date and month, or not change every election.

In principle, whether on February 21, April 17, or May 15, the inauguration of elected candidates in the 2024 General Election should not exceed the term of office of the president/vice president and legislators, even if it is more than 1 day.