PSI Survey: People Are Satisfied With Jokowi And Airlangga Hartarto's Desired Performance, How Come?

JAKARTA – The Indonesian Survey Panel (PSI) has released the results of the Survey on the National Leadership Criteria for 2024-2029 that the people of Indonesia want. The results of this survey show that 72.6 percent of the public are satisfied with the performance of President Joko Widodo while leading this nation. Those who assessed that they were dissatisfied were 24.1 percent and 3.3 percent did not answer or did not know.

This survey also captures the 2024 leadership criteria that the community wants. From the results of the survey, the people's desire for leadership in 2024 is strong leadership in three aspects. These include economic aspects, clean government and a government that prioritizes political stability, national security.

The survey shows that 89.9% of people want economic progress with economic growth, 84.2% want a clean government and 70.3% of people want a government that is able to maintain political stability & national security.

In a release received by VOI, the Executive Director of the Indonesian Survey Panel (PSI), Andri Gunawan, also stated that the government is strong according to the people, which if the President is supported by a majority of the DPR as much as 82.9 percent. Then, supported by business actors/businesses both at home and abroad, 88.6 percent, and 90.7 percent who claim to be able to control the law and security apparatus.

The survey findings also show people's preference for political parties with PDIP electability reaching 12.7 percent. In second position, occupied by Golkar with 12.4 percent electability, third position Gerindra 11.9 percent. The next position is occupied by Democrats, with 8.9 percent electability where Democrats are political parties outside the government which have a very significant increase in electability compared to the 2019 election results.

Then there is the PKB party which leads the mid-table electability of 7.1 percent. The next position is Nasdem which won 6.8 percent electability. Then other Islamic parties, namely PKS 6.1 percent, PAN 3.3 percent, and PPP 2.6 percent.

The rest are new parties that are predicted not to qualify for Senayan, namely PSI with 1.3 percent electability, while Perindo with 1.3 percent electability. Hanura (1.1 percent), PBB (0.9 percent), PKPI (0.8 percent), Berkarya (0.8 percent), and Garuda (0.8 percent).

Then the newly formed political parties that are forming the management to participate in the 2024 election, only the Prima party becomes the public preference with an electability rate of 1.4 percent, followed by the Gelora Party 0.7 percent, the UMAT Party 0.2 percent and the rest that have not yet been formed. voted 18.9 percent

Regarding the figures who will be chosen if the presidential election is held today, based on three aspects of the post-presidential leadership of Joko Widodo, in 2024-2029, namely economic aspects, clean government & political stability and security, Airlangga Hartarto is the desired and chosen figure. with an electability rate of 18.3 percent

In second place Prabowo Subianto 16.2 percent, Ganjar Pranowo 14.4 percent, Basuki Tjahaya Purnama (Ahok) 5.9 percent, Sri Mulyani 5.4 percent Anies Baswedan 3.3 percent, Muhaimin Iskandar 3.2 percent, Puan Maharani 3.2 percent, Moeldoko 3.1 percent, Sandiaga Uno 3.1 percent, Harry Tanoesoedibyo 2.4 percent Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono 2.3 percent, Ridwan Kamil 1.9 percent, Khofifah Indarparawangsa 1.9 percent, Erick Thohir 1, 7 percent and those who have not voted 13.7 percent.

This survey was conducted on 14-29 December 2021. The total sample was 1,820 respondents spread across 34 provinces.

Samples were drawn by using multistage random sampling method. The survey contains an error tolerance level of plus or minus 2.3 percent with a 95 percent confidence level.