JCI Closed Higher On Monday, BRI Shares Most Sought After By Foreign Investors

JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index (JCI) closed in the green zone on Monday, August 24 trading. JCI closed slightly higher 0.08 percent or 4.23 points to the level of 5,277.04.

Closing the trade 228 stocks rose, 211 stocks fell, and 155 shares were stagnant. The trading volume was recorded at 15.81 billion shares and transacted at Rp9.32 trillion.

Head of Research at Monex Investindo Futures, Ariston Tjendra, said the JCI was in the positive zone along with the increasingly positive development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

"But on the other hand, concerns about the second wave of COVID-19 have resulted in foreign net sell conditions," Nafan told VOI.

Today, shares of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) are the ones most sought after by foreign investors. BBRI shares were traded as many as 216.01 million shares worth IDR113.64 billion.

Meanwhile, the share price that experienced a big increase was PT Bank Bukopin Tbk (BBKP) which strengthened 34.01 percent to IDR264. Meanwhile, the shares that experienced the sharpest decline were PT Global Mediacom Tbk (BMTR), in which the shares of the company owned by Hary Tanoesoedibjo fell 4.35 percent to Rp308.