Warehouse Of Fake Shampoo Production With A Turnover Of IDR 200 Million Demolished, Police: Employees Are Paid IDR 15 Million Per Month

JAKARTA - The Banten Regional Police succeeded in uncovering a criminal case of trafficking in fake cosmetics in the form of shampoo and hair oil of various well-known brands.

The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Shinto Silitonga, said that the disclosure of the production and distribution of the shampoo and hair gel was initiated by information from the public, which was then followed up with the finding of fake shampoo in one of the stalls in Mauk District.

Based on the report, the officers carried out developments to the production warehouse in Paku Haji District, Tangerang.

"Investigators managed to find the warehouse of the production house, there were production machines, raw materials and fake packaging in the warehouse," said Shinto Silitonga via text message, Saturday, January 1st.

During a series of searches, investigators found various well-known brands such as Gatsby, Sunsilk, Dove, Clear as well as Head and Shoulder.

"This brand is often found in warungs and small shops, it's hard to tell by naked eye which is fake and genuine," said Shinto.

The Head of Sub-Directorate for Indag, Ditreskrimsus, Polda Banten, Kompol Condro Sasongko, showed the difference between fake and genuine shampoo products to the media. "The bond between the sachets is still loose, the color of the liquid is brighter, the composition is not thick and the smell is more pungent, when used it can cause skin irritation," said Condro.

Evidence of fake shampoo and cosmetic products as evidence/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

At the time of checking the warehouse, Condro said that investigators found the fact that the warehouse owner did not have legality and business license and did not even have a cooperation contract with the company that owned the brand, namely PT. Unilever.

"This illegal business is moving, it has been operating for 3 years with a turnover of Rp. 200 million per month, so it is not surprising that warehouse managers are able to pay their employees with Rp. 15 million per month," said Condro.

Apart from confiscating millions of sachets of shampoo and wigs, investigators also confiscated production equipment, raw materials such as caustic soda, 96% alcohol, glue, food coloring and preservatives.

"The perpetrators even imported sachet molded rollers from China, so the packaging looked like the original," said Condro.

After the examination of 7 witnesses, investigators determined the owner of the warehouse, HL (28) as a suspect.

"HL has been named a suspect in a crime against health and consumer protection," explained Shinto Silitonga.

The suspect was charged with the suspicion of Article 197 in conjunction with Article 106 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) of Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health as amended by Article 60 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 1 billion.

"In addition, investigators also apply layered suspicions under Article 62 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 8 paragraph (1) letter (f) or Article 9 paragraph (1) letter d of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection with a threat of imprisonment a maximum of 5 years or a maximum fine of 2 billion," concluded Shinto.