Violating Opening Hours On New Year's Eve, Police Not Food Street Pantai Indah Kapuk

JAKARTA - Officers from the Narcotics Investigation Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya dispersed visitors who packed the culinary tourism area of Food Street Pantai Indah Kapuk (PIK), North Jakarta, until late at night. The disbandment was carried out in violation of opening hours during the New Year.

"Disband, sir, please wear the mask. Thank you," said Director of Drug Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Pol. Mukti Juharsa, to visitors to the Food Street PIK, North Jakarta, Friday, December 31.

During the inspection of the health protocol at Pantai Indah Kapuk, Mukti also reprimanded a number of traders on the Food Street who were still open until 23.30 WIB.

"The activity has been stopped, right, what time is it? The limit is 10 o'clock," said Mukti to one of the traders at Food Street PIK quoted from ANTARA.

After receiving a warning, the traders in the Food Street area immediately cleaned up their wares and prepared to close. The Metro Jaya Police Narcotics Investigation Directorate officers then walked through the entire Food Street area and ensured that all visitors dispersed so that there were no crowds that were vulnerable to the spread of COVID-19, specifically the Omicron variant.

Previously, the Polda Metro Jaya limited the operating hours of cafes, restaurants and bars and various similar businesses until 22.00 WIB on New Year's Eve 2022.

The police have also warned that they will take firm action against rogue businessmen who violate operating hours by sealing their place of business.

To support the program to limit the operating hours of entertainment venues, the Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya together with the DKI Jakarta Transportation Service even enforced Crowd Free Night (CFN) at 11 points in the Jakarta area during the New Year period. The CFN policy is enforced at 22.00-04.00 WIB on January 31, 2021 and January 1, 2022.