Residents Around Gembrong Market Light Fireworks Welcoming The New Year, Streets Are Congested

JAKARTA - The community continues to welcome the turn of the year by lighting fireworks festively. This happened around the Pasar Gembrong area, East Jakarta on Saturday, January 1, 2022.

According to VOI monitoring at around 00.10 WIB, many residents around Gembrong Market set off fireworks. Meanwhile, other residents watched from the side of the road.

When the fireworks chimed in, they also cheered. In addition, passing cars and motorbikes also stopped their vehicles to watch the fireworks.

Atmosphere at Gembrong Market, East Jakarta/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI

A resident, Ayu (18) admitted that he had come to the vicinity of Pasar Gembrong to see the fireworks. He came by motorbike with his friends.

"Yes, I came to watch fireworks on purpose. It's the turn of the year," he said while talking to VOI at the location.

The latest conditions, the replies of fireworks still color the sky around Gembrong Market. Meanwhile, traffic conditions were observed to be stagnant and no officers were seen.

Atmosphere at Gembrong Market, East Jakarta/PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI