113.67 Million Indonesian Citizens Have Been Injected With Full Dose Of COVID-19 Vaccine

JAKARTA - The Task Force for Handling COVID-19 reported that the number of recipients of complete doses of the COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia as of Friday afternoon or the last day of 2021 reached a total of 113,666,327 (113.67 million) people.

According to data from the COVID-19 Task Force, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 31, it was stated that the number of people who had received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine increased by 661,959 people.

Meanwhile, the number of recipients of the first dose of vaccine recorded today was 1,070,414 people. With this addition, the number of recipients of the first dose of vaccination is now 161,080,856 people.

There is also a total vaccination for the third dose today reached 1,288,890 people. The government plans to vaccinate as many as 208,265,720 million people.

Thus, it was recorded that the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine had been given to 77.46 percent of the total target population. Meanwhile, residents who had completed the second dose of vaccination covered 54.67 percent of the total target.

Previously, the Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Vaccination of the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that the total vaccines that had arrived in the country in bulk or raw materials or finished vaccines amounted to 458,069,415 doses.

Previously, Indonesia arrived at the 182nd stage of vaccine in the form of Sinovac vaccine, which was a donation from COVAX, Thursday (30/12) totaling 1,236,000 doses.

According to Nadia, the number of vaccines at the end of 2021 marks the consistency of the Indonesian government in efforts to meet vaccine needs for the community.

"The Indonesian government will continue to strive for the arrival of vaccines, both through bilateral and multilateral channels. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Indonesia has been active in establishing international and multilateral cooperation, including through the WHO Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator COVAX Facility," he said.