Yogyakarta Targets Full Enforcement Of Regional Regulations On KTR In 5 Years

YOGYAKARTA - The Yogyakarta City Government together with a number of supporting institutions have completed a road map for the enforcement of the Non-Smoking Regional Regulation (KTR) which will be realized in stages over the next 5 years.

"This road map will be a guide in enforcing the Non-Smoking Regional Regulation (KTR). It will be carried out in stages to condition the community so that they are familiar with several rules that must be implemented," said Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi in Yogyakarta, Antara, Friday, 31 December.

Several plans in the roadmap will be implemented to ensure that the KTR Perda can be implemented properly, including revising the mayor's regulation or the mayor's decision to support the KTR Perda to be implemented properly.

In addition, a program is also prepared to increase community participation in realizing a smoke-free area in their respective neighborhoods.

"We are also considering starting to impose sanctions for violators of local regulations. Starting from light sanctions first to provide shock therapy so that people are deterred and then move on to severe sanctions," he said.

Giving awards or appreciations to agencies that have implemented the KTR Regional Regulation well is also one of the points in the roadmap.

"For example, offices that have implemented KTR well will be given appreciation, and vice versa if they have not implemented KTR will be given a special marker," he said.

Based on Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning Non-Smoking Areas, in the city of Yogyakarta there are eight areas designated as non-smoking areas, namely health services, education areas, children's playgrounds, places of worship, public transportation, workplaces, tourist attractions, and other places. set.

With these various efforts, Heroe hopes that the City of Yogyakarta will be able to carry out the Perda KTR more optimally so that Yogyakarta will grow into a healthy city, a child-friendly city, an inclusive city for all.

Meanwhile, KTR Enforcement Consultant Dyah Setyawati Dewanti from UNION who accompanied the City of Yogyakarta in implementing the KTR Regional Regulation said that in the last two years the implementation of the KTR Regional Regulation had gone well.

Nevertheless, he continued, a roadmap is still needed so that the implementation of the Regional Regulation on KTR becomes more focused and has a good impact on the city of Yogyakarta, especially the health and welfare of the residents.

"We hope there will be regulations to prohibit various types of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship of cigarette products, including the rules for displaying cigarette products sold in stores. Not prohibiting, only regulating the display position of cigarette products," he said.

In addition, the addition of areas that run KTR is also an indicator of the success of implementing the road map. "Currently, the area that has been designated as KTR is Malioboro. Hopefully it can expand to other crowded areas," he said.

The implementation of the Regional Regulation on KTR, he continued, would also support the efforts of the City of Yogyakarta in realizing a true Child-friendly City. Currently, Yogyakarta holds the title as a child-friendly city in the main category.