Minister Of Religion Yaqut Calls 2022 Declared As Year Of Tolerance, Invites Community To Self-Evaluate And Optimistic

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas reminded the importance of evaluation and self-awareness when welcoming the new year. With this attitude, life will be arranged in a better direction.

"Both evaluation, introspection, and optimism in welcoming the new year, all three are important so that we can become lucky people, who continue to strive to be better today than yesterday," he was quoted as saying in a ministry press release received in Jakarta. , Between, Friday, December 31.

Yaqut also stated the importance of positioning religious values as inspiration and motivation to continue to do good as we approach 2022.

The Minister of Religion said that the government declared 2022 as the Year of Tolerance in an effort to make Indonesia a barometer of religious harmony in the world.

"I believe that Indonesia is capable, because the basic character of its people is very tolerant and very respectful of differences," he said.

He explained that the level of religious harmony will be seen from the index of religiosity in Indonesia, which will be measured periodically every year until 2024.

The Ministry of Religion released the value of the Religious Harmony Index (KUB) at the end of 2021. The 2021 KUB index was in the good category with a national average value of 72.39 or an increase of 4.93 points from the previous year.

"The KUB index not only looks at our success but the most important thing is problem mapping, problem prediction, and problem detection. Because the KUB index is built from several variables, namely tolerance, cooperation, and equality," said the Minister of Religion.

The Minister of Religion invites all citizens to continue to strengthen brotherhood and work together to create an advanced, tolerant, and harmonious Indonesia by 2022.