Lost! NFT Bored Ape And Mutant Ape Worth IDR 32.3 Billion Stolen By Thieves Because Owner Clicks Link From Hacker

JAKARTA – Recently, popular non-fungible token (NFT) markets such as Bored Ape and Mutant Ape were reportedly stolen by hackers. The thief's action forced Opensea to freeze 16 NFT Bored Ape and Mutant Ape. The NFT was stolen from a New York art gallery operator, Todd Kramer.

Cointelegraph reports the NFT stolen by the thief consisted of one CloneX, seven Mutant Ape Yacht Clubs, and eight Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs which are currently valued at around 615 ETH equivalent to US$2.28 million. The NFT is currently not tradeable on the Opensea.io NFT marketplace.

One NFT community that goes by the name toddkramer.eth posted a tweet detailing the 16 NFTs it took from its hot wallet. Because of this incident he asked for help from OpenSea and the NFT community. This is not easy, because the NFT community is considered less sympathetic to the conditions experienced by traders. However, OpensSea finally decided to freeze the trade in the stolen goods.

“@gidwellsoon @Tob_Opensea @j1mmy I have been hacked. Please help," he wrote in a Twitter post on December 30, 2021.

He mentioned a number of NFTs stolen by hackers, namely: Ape 2771, Ape 6416, Ape 1623, Ape 1708, Ape 8214, Ape 7528, Ape 9988, Ape 9410, Mutants 25057, Mutant 11177, Mutant 28752, Mutant 24718, Mutant 2436, Mutant 9278 , Mutant 2434 and Clonex 6801.

The freezing of popular NFT trades sparked a response from digital art traders. They say that it reflects that it is not decentralized. Whereas decentralization is the most important aspect in the crypto industry.

One Twitter user by the name of kw.sol expressed his disappointment with the suspension by OpenSea because the marketplace should be decentralized and not centralized because there is an authority controlling it.

“Who can freeze it? It seems very anti-crypto to have a third party do this and ideally they shouldn't."

The freeze action was also commented on by renowned software expert Grady Booch who stated that it was a ridiculous act even though the main concept of cryptocurrency is the elimination of all centralized intervention.

For information, a hot wallet is a software digital wallet that is connected to the internet such as MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and others. Kramer uses a hot wallet to store his NFT, his collection of expensive NFTs has been hacked by hackers.

The owner of the Twitter account @toddkramer1 revealed that he had lost his NFT collection through a phishing scam after clicking a link. Instead of gaining sympathy, his Twitter post sparked a heated debate about the decentralization and centralization of cryptocurrencies. Kramer eventually deleted the post.

From this incident, Kramer realized the importance of using a hard wallet or so-called cold wallet in the form of physical crypto wallets such as Ledger and Trezor. This is considered safer than theft by hackers and until now there has been no news of crypto or NFT theft from cold wallets.