President Putin Firmly Reminds President Biden, Kremlin: There Have Been Many Mistakes In The Last 30 Years, Don't Repeat Them!

JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a phone call with US President Joe Biden that relations between the two countries could be cut off completely if "unprecedented sanctions" become a reality, Kremlin aide Yuri Ushakov said Friday.

President Putin was responding to President Biden's warning about plans by Western countries to impose massive economic and military sanctions if further escalation on Ukraine's borders occurs, Ushakov said.

"Our president immediately responded by saying, if the West continues to impose the above unprecedented sanctions, then all of which could lead to a complete severance of relations between countries, the most serious damage will be done to Russia's relations with the West in general," the diplomat quoted the diplomat as saying. TASS December 31st.

Ushakov further explained that President Putin warned future generations would consider this move a mistake, the aide said.

"There have been many of these mistakes in the last 30 years, and it is better in this situation that these mistakes are not repeated," said Ushakov.

In his talks with the Russian leader, President Biden repeated the threat of unprecedented sanctions if Russia chose to attack Ukraine.

"Biden set two paths, including diplomacy and deterrence, including 'grave costs and consequences," a senior US official said.

"Both leaders acknowledged there may be areas where we can make meaningful progress as well as areas where an agreement may not be possible, and that future talks will define more precisely the contours of each of those categories."

As previously reported, US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday exchanged warnings about Ukraine in a 50-minute phone call, their second conversation this month.