The 'Drama' Of Bahar Bin Smith Case Increases To Investigation

JAKARTA - The case of alleged hate speech containing elements of ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA) involving Bahar bin Smith has been escalated to the investigation stage. Where, the speaker is the reported party.

The West Java Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Suntana, emphasized that the status of the case was upgraded to an investigation based on the results of the case title. Investigators considered that there was a criminal offense in that case.

"West Java Police investigators have stepped up the legal process that ensnared BS into an investigation," said Suntana in a written statement, Wednesday, December 29.

The West Java Police Investigator, said Suntana, had submitted a Notice of Investigation Commencement (SPDP) to Bahar bin Smith at his residence in Bogor on Tuesday, December 28.

"The SPDP has been submitted to the reported party," he said.

However, in the process a drama emerged. Where, circulated a video showing the process of handing over SPDP to Bahar bin Smith.

The appearance of the video was accompanied by a narration that stated that the investigators actually went to Bahar.

The National Police Headquarters, who confirmed the narrative, denied it. The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police's Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, stated that the investigators' arrival was only for the submission of SPDP. So, there is nothing special about this.

"There is nothing special, (only, ed) between SPDPs," said Ramadhan

"What is clear is that one Police member's goal is to go to the place concerned to deliver an SPDP letter. That's all," he continued.

On the other hand, the Head of Public Relations of the West Java Police, Kombes Erdi A. Chaniago, stated that investigators had scheduled a summons for Bahar Smith on Monday, January 3, 2022, next week regarding the investigation of the alleged hate speech case.

"The West Java Police sent a summons to Bahar bin Smith for his statement on Monday, January 3, 2022," Erdi said.

According to him, the summons was made after his party submitted the SPDP on Tuesday, December 28, to Bahar's residence in Bogor.

"The General Criminal Directorate has sent an SPDP against Bahar bin Smith," he said.

Kombes Erdi said Bahar was still in the investigation process as a witness. Bahar Smith allegedly gave a statement that caused chaos in the community.

However, this case is not related to General TNI Dudung, which is being discussed a lot, but another case which he has not been able to mention in detail. According to Erdi, the case allegedly occurred in the jurisdiction of the Cimahi Police.

"Obviously, this is still for investigators to consume, we will announce the progress later," he said

In this case, Bahar bin Smith was charged with a criminal act of spreading information aimed at causing hatred and or hostility to individuals and or groups based on SARA as referred to in Article 28 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45A paragraph (2) of the Law on Information. and Electronic Transactions (ITE) and/or Article 14 and Article 15 of the Republic of Indonesia Law number 1 of 1946 concerning criminal law regulations.