Deputy Governor Of Jakarta: COVID-19 Is More Than War

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria said that the COVID-19 pandemic in Jakarta is still in a dangerous situation. In fact, he said, handling was more than a state of war.

"The corona virus is more dangerous than war between countries," said Riza in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government's Youtube broadcast seen on Monday, August 24.

Riza explained, when fighting, a country can design a war strategy as seen from the strength of the opponent and the number of troops. Meanwhile, when fighting the corona virus outbreak, this cannot be done.

"We cannot know the number of viruses, where they are, what kind of strength, how to attack them, and so on," said Riza.

Riza reminded his staff that currently there is no vaccine that has been patented and has been used by a country to ward off COVID-19. He said, the fastest vaccine will be at the end of December.

For example, in December a vaccine was discovered, Riza said there needed to be a long process for public use. He estimates, this process will run for one year, with the calculation that one million people are vaccinated in one day.

"Even if a vaccine has been found, it still takes time for mass production, distribution and injection to all citizens of the world. At the earliest, at the end of December 2021 all Jakarta residents can be injected with the vaccine. In that condition, maybe we are just in a safer condition," explained Riza.

This shows that the ranks of DKI Pemprov still need to continue to prevent the spread of the virus and cope with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Riza continued, there are four aspects that need to be addressed due to the corona virus outbreak. Among them are health, economic, social and security issues.

These four problems, said Riza, are interrelated. When there is an epidemic, people will be susceptible to disease. If health problems are disturbed, people find it difficult to work, then the economy is also affected.

That way, social and economic problems will also be disrupted. "There will be potential social problems that may arise due to poverty and unemployment. Security issues will also be disrupted if social problems increase," he said.