Refuting The Testimony Of The Former Lamteng Regent, Azis Syamsuddin Takes The Muhabala Oath

JAKARTA - Former Central Lampung Regent Mustafa said he had made an agreement with the former Deputy Speaker of the DPR from the Golkar Party faction Azis Syamsuddin at the Sukamiskin Correctional Institution (Lapas) regarding political support.

"I met at the Sukamiskin Prison, at that time it was the discussion of the Criminal Code Bill, I forgot the time but it wasn't long ago, around 2020 and coincidentally, I was asked by one of my friends at the prison, he said someone wanted to meet me and I finally knew who wanted to meet me, sir. Azis," Mustafa said via a video conference link from Bandung's Sukamiskin Prison, Thursday.

Mustafa was a witness for the accused former Deputy Speaker of the DPR Muhammad Azis Syamsuddin who was charged with giving bribes worth Rp. 3.099 billion and US$36 thousand, bringing a total of around Rp. 3.619 billion to Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur Husain related to the handling of the KPK investigation in Central Lampung whose trial was conducted. took place at the Jakarta Corruption Court (Tipikor).

Mustafa is currently serving a 4-year sentence in the case of accepting bribes and gratification of projects at the Central Lampung Highways Service and 3 years in prison for the bribery case to several members of the Central Lampung DPRD.

"Pak Azis said 'wagi', that meant brother, he said 'Wagi is beyond a lot of stowaway, if possible please don't ride it'. that I was accused by the KPK prosecutor that I received gratification and I also had to pay replacement money even though I did not know the money," said Mustafa.

Mustafa recounted that when he visited his sick parents in Central Lampung after being detained by the KPK, a number of journalists met him at the hospital and asked what he was doing with the money that was charged as gratuity.

"I was charged with receiving gratuities. Imagine that I was accused, sentenced to pay replacement money, so I explained that I did not receive this money. The national position is high, so the news is exposed," added Mustafa.

Mustafa revealed that he only answered reporters' questions about the use of the gratuity funds that he was accused of, but that he never enjoyed the gratuity.

"I will explain that I did not receive this money. This money is for the needs of the residents of Central Lampung for damaged roads. One of them is also for the approval of members of the Central Lampung DPRD, the second is for this DAK, the third is for the budget of Amin Santono (a former member of the DPR) which is handled by the local government. so that people really understand that I don't accept money," said Mustafa.

Mustafa also denied wanting to bring down Azis Syamsuddin by deliberately mentioning Azis' name to journalists.

Mustafa even mentioned that he had made an agreement with Azis regarding Azis' support to provide a recommendation to Mustafa's wife, Nessy Kalviya, to run as a candidate for regent of Central Lampung. If Nessy succeeds in becoming a regent, Mustafa promises that his wife will also help Azis to be re-elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"Incidentally, my wife was told to come forward and she is the administrator of the Golkar DPP and Deputy Chair of the DPR, we discussed if my wife was a regent, she hoped that my wife would help her become a member of the DPR RI, so that was stated in the agreement letter and she was responsible for giving recommendations. to the Golkar party," said Mustafa.

The agreement was contained in a letter called Mustafa also signed by Azis Syamsuddin. "There is a signed agreement," said Mustafa.

However, on Mustafa's statement, Azis again denied it.

"Are you willing to take an oath to muhabalah with me? The witness conveyed in Sukamiskin that he was discussing the Criminal Code Bill? I'll clarify that the Criminal Code Bill has not been discussed until today. I am the Deputy Chair of the House of Representatives for Korpukam, there is no discussion of the Criminal Code Bill," said Azis.

"It was still a plan," replied Mustafa.

"The Criminal Code Bill is not in the National Legislation Program," said Azis.

"It was not in the National Legislation Program but it was discussed at that time," Mustafa replied again.

Azis and Mustafa's quarrel was immediately resolved by the chairman of the panel of judges, Muhammad Damis.

"Furthermore, I never called him 'wage' but regent or chairman," said Azis.

Azis Syamsuddin is known to be born in 1970 while Mustafa was born in 1975, so Azis is older than Mustafa.

"In the BAP you said that in Sukamiskin there were also meetings with Setya Novanto, Patrialis AKbar, Bakti, Iswan Roni, didn't you see them also in the TU room of the Sukamiskin prison?" Aziz asked.

"They are outside, we are alone inside," said Mustafa.

"You can lie, Allah SWT will determine the course of our lives. This is a record that our meeting is not alone, it's okay, go ahead, you have also been sworn in," said Azis.

"It's okay," Mustafa replied.