Like A Football Match, Hasto Kristiyanto Messages To Gibran: There Are Wins And Losses In The Pilkada

JAKARTA - PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto requested that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) 's first child, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, who runs for the 2020 Solo Mayor Election, can take the value of a soccer match, losing and winning is a common thing.

This was conveyed by him during morning sports activities online in a series of PDIP Party School events generation I for candidates for regional head. At that time, Hasto asked why Gibran appeared to be wearing the uniform of the Spanish football club, Barcelona.

Got this question, Gibran then told me that he had long admired Barcelona. Even though he lost in the Champions League quarter-finals, he did not mind it because he thought his team was just out of luck this year.

"I've always liked Barcelona, but I think this year has been less fortunate, but no problem. Try again later," said Gibran before joining the online morning exercise, Monday, August 24.

The martabak entrepreneur also admitted that as an admirer of Barcelona, he was sad to see Bayern Munich win the league. "Yes, it's a bit sad (Munich wins the Champions League, red). But it's okay, keep up the spirit," he said.

Responding to this, Hasto advised that winning and losing are common in a sports match. This also applies to political contestation.

So, he advised Gibran and all regional head candidates who participated in the online morning gymnastics to maintain sportsmanship when participating in the regional election contestation.

"Yes, life has an up and down, as well as in sports. But the more important thing is fairness, mas. Losing and winning in sports have rules of the game. That is also a value that candidates for regional head and deputy regional head must learn," he said. Hasto.

It is known that Gibran and 128 other PDIP cadets have participated in the online sport of the PDIP Cakada Party School batch I since 06.00 WIB. This school activity is a very important stage for regional head candidates to face campaign challenges in the 2020 Pilkada.

Previously, Hasto's activity was different from the previous year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Because, if this activity is usually held at Wisma Kinasih, Depok, now it is held virtually.

"Normally all candidates, including the incumbent, are required to stay overnight and are not allowed to leave the area. In the morning there are sports activities. Now, although virtually the party hopes that all participants are active and continue to follow all online agendas seriously. Assessment is still given, the principal will monitor it," he said some time ago.

What is meant by the school principal is the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Honorary Division Komarudin Watubun. While the participants are 129 candidates for regional head.