Metro Jaya Police Chief Calls 2021 An Uneasy Year, The Spread Of COVID-19 Is The Main Problem

JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Fadil Imran said 2021 would not be an easy year to go through. Because various problems must be faced, one of which is the spread of COVID-19.

The statement was made by Inspector General Fadil when he opened the presentation of the performance results for 2021 at the Polda Metro Jaya, on Thursday, December 30.

"2021 is not an easy year. But that doesn't necessarily make us upset," said Fadil Imran, Thursday, December 30.

The difficulty experienced is the spread of COVID-19. In mid-2021, the transmission of COVID-19 in Jakarta was going crazy.

"The COVID-19 pandemic with all its impacts, the Kamtibmas situation, which is the main task of the Polda Metro Jaya, is not easy for us to deal with," said Inspector General Fadil.

But with the hard work of all levels and assisted by institutions related to the spread of COVID-19, it can be suppressed. Evidently, towards the end of 2021 the positive cases were decreasing.

"But we are not discouraged. Alhamdulillah, in 2021 a safe Jakarta will be created, so the COVID-19 pandemic, of course, together with Forkompinda and the community can get out of the second wave of COVID-19 which occurred in July to September last year," said Inspector General Fadil.