Restaurants In Kuta Bali Must Close At 23.00 WITA New Year's Eve

BADUNG - The police asked the public to stop activities in public spaces at 23.00 WITA, Friday, December 31.

The Head of Ops for the Denpasar Police, Kompol I Made Uder said, in accordance with the Circular (SE) of the Bali Traditional Village Council or MDA, the Minister of Home Affairs and the SE Governor of Bali stated that food stalls, hotels and other public places must be sterile from activities at 23.00 WITA.

"I urge the public regarding the circulars submitted by the Madnya Council and from the Home Affairs Ministry and the governor's circular, we really hope that the implementation of this activity will not be excessive and no one will celebrate wow," said Kompol Uder in Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, Thursday, December 30th.

"In this case, all restaurants, facilities, at 23.00 WITA, we have made appeals and actions, are completely closed. This means, at 23.00 WITA, community activities, including food stalls, lesehan stalls and other forms of entertainment in hotels and restaurants , it has stopped. Including in Kuta, "said Uder.

This rule applies throughout Bali. All activities in public spaces are prohibited at 23.00 WITA.

Meanwhile, for the flow of vehicle traffic to the location of tourist attractions to Kuta Beach, it will be situational. If the situation is congested, the flow of vehicles to Kuta Beach just before the turn of the year will be completely closed.

"We will block and close the flow to Kuta Beach (if it is crowded). We will examine the existing traffic at any time," added Kompol Uder.

According to him, the blocking will be carried out at 15.00 WITA, Friday, December 31. After that, the situation related to traffic density will be seen for the road closure policy.