ICW Submits Red Report Card To KPK: We Give E Or Fail

JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) submitted a red report card to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana said that there were serious problems that could not be resolved so Firli Bahuri et al deserved a red spot.

"There are a number of serious problems that the KPK has not been able to resolve, especially the KPK leadership. First, for example, we see that the number of prosecutions has declined sharply," Kurnia told reporters at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, December 30. .

Kurnia explained that this year, the KPK only managed to carry out six hand arrest operations (OTT). This figure is certainly a decrease compared to the previous year.

Another problem is the violation of the code of ethics by two KPK leaders, namely KPK Chair Firli Bahuri and KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar. "Then the third is related to getting rid of dozens of employees with integrity through TWK," he said.

Kurnia also said that the KPK now often shows gimmicks as if they are not law enforcers but like politicians. This can be seen from a number of actions shown by the KPK leadership.

"Today's KPK is not acting in law enforcement but instead looks like a police officer. For example, back in 2020, the KPK leadership had time to cook fried rice and had time to distribute social assistance," said the anti-corruption activist.

PHOTO: Wardhany Tsa Tsia-VOI

In addition, Kurnia does not deny that efforts to eradicate corruption are only based on prosecution. However, considering the current condition, many prevention efforts are not working and even contain problems.

"KPK's supervision also doesn't involve a lot of big cases. Not to mention we're talking about the internal management of the institution apart from the National Insight Test, there are a number of regulations issued by the KPK that cause controversy in the community and even violate the provisions of the law," explained Kurnia.

"For example, how is the KPK bureaucracy getting fatter because there is Commission Regulation (Perkom) 7 of 2020 and we actually consider the Perkom to violate the laws and regulations," he added.

With these various bases, ICW then submitted a red report card to Firli et al.

"We gave E to the KPK or did not pass. In fact, this leader has brought the KPK to become a law enforcement agency with truly integrity and quality to maximize the eradication of corruption," he concluded.