Diligent Blusukan, Strict Vaccination Control, Gibran Rakabuming And Bobby Nasution Named The Most Popular Mayors

JAKARTA - Indonesia Indicator (I2) mentions the Mayor of Surakarta, Central Java, Gibran Rakabuming Raka as the most popular mayor in online media with 28,582 news stories throughout 2021.

I2 Communications Director Rustika Herlambang said Gibran's coverage was the biggest in 2021. The Media Intelligence Company using Artificial Intelligence (AI) software recorded the performance of regional heads from January 1 to December 19 2021, which was recorded from 28,779,574 news exposed. 6,470 cyber media in Indonesia.

I2 named 10 names of regional heads in the country as the most popular and most influential Mayors and Regents in 2021 in the mass media and social media, including Gibran. Gibran's popularity has been boosted because he is often associated with his father, President Joko Widodo.

"The inspections that Gibran often carries out when controlling face-to-face learning (PTM) in a number of schools, visiting the market, and overseeing the distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations fill the news variants," Rustika said in a press release received in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, 30 December.

According to him, generally the most popular and influential mayors in 2021 are quoted and reported through the handling of the second wave of COVID-19 in their respective regions.

Among them are efforts to tighten prokes through PPKM, odd-even vehicle policies and road closures, face-to-face learning (PTM), availability of hospital beds/medicine/oxygen, COVID-19 assistance, and acceleration of distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations in addition to other problems. related to regional economic recovery," said Rustika.

In addition, according to Rustika, the media put a spotlight on Gibran's eccentric act of distributing rice using a private vehicle for matters outside of work and the way he walked. The news that Gibran was positive for COVID-19 and had to undergo self-isolation did not go unnoticed by the media.

The second most popular mayor in 2021 is occupied by Medan Mayor Muhammad Bobby Afif Nasution with 23,496 news stories.

"Similarly with Gibran, Bobby's prestige is often associated with the position of his father-in-law, President Jokowi. However, the media has recorded a lot of Bobby's positive activities in the world of sports, concern for MSMEs, and hot and cold relations with North Sumatra Governor Edy Rahmayadi," said Rustika.

Bogor Mayor Bima Arya became the third most popular mayor with 21,144 news stories. Rustika said Bima Arya had the largest news space in the media in line with his policies in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Bima Arya received attention from efforts to recover the economy through the promotion of MSMEs and cooperation in absorbing investment. On the other hand, his feud with Rizieq Shihab also received great attention from the ongoing legal process for the swab test case at the UMMI Hospital.

The fourth position is occupied by the Mayor of Surabaya, Eri Cahyadi with 19,389 news reports. Batam Mayor Muhammad Rudi occupies the fifth position with 17,567 news items. The sixth to tenth place respectively were occupied by the Mayor of Pekanbaru, Firdaus 13,272 news, the Mayor of Bandung the late Oded M Daniel 12,836 news, Makassar Mayor Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto 12,235 news, Tangerang Mayor Arief Rachadiono Wismansyah 11,541 news and Malang Mayor Sutiaji 10,367 news.