BPBD Checks Earthquake Impact In East, Southwest Maluku Capital

JAKARTA - The Maluku Province Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) is still checking the impact of an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 that occurred on Thursday at 01.25 WIB at approximately 132 km east of Tiakur City, the capital of Southwest Maluku Regency. tried to contact the official in charge of disaster management efforts in Maluku Barat Baya Regency. "But the telephone network is very disrupted and cannot be connected," Henry said in Ambon, reported by Antara, Thursday, December 30. Henry also contacted the Camat Damer in Southwest Maluku Regency to He asked for information about the impact of the earthquake in the area. According to him, the Camat Damer John Mose is still checking the impact of the earthquake on villages in his area. , said Henry.

According to Jonathan Maalette, a resident who lives on Wonreli-Kisar Island in Southwest Maluku Regency, the shock caused by the earthquake on Thursday morning was very strong in the area where he lives. and look for open pages," Jonathan said when contacted from Ambon. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 - updated from previously 7.4 - occurred on Thursday at 01.25 WIB in about 132 km east of Tiakur City, Southwest Maluku Regency. The earthquake, whose center was in the sea at a depth of 182 km, was felt in Tiakur City on the V-VI MMI intensity scale, Tepa on the IV-V scale, Saumlaki on the IV MMI scale, as well as Tual, Kupang, Alor, Rote, Malacca, Atambua, and Sumba on the MMI III-IV scale. The impact of the earthquake was also felt in Raja Ampat and Sorong City, West Papua, on the MMI scale II. On the MMI scale II the vibrations caused by the earthquake were only felt by a few people and caused light objects that were hung to sway. On the MMI III scale, vibrations are felt inside the house, it feels like a truck is passing. Vibrations on the MMI IV scale during the day are felt by many people inside the house and some people outside the house and can cause broken pottery, rattling windows/doors, and the walls creaked. On the MMI scale V vibrations were felt by almost all residents, woke many people up, and caused pottery to shatter, objects to fall, and pillars and large objects to sway. Vibrations on the VI MMI scale were felt by all residents, made most people startle and run outside, and caused minor damage to buildings.