The Captain Returns Home, John Terry Becomes Chelsea Academy Consultant

JAKARTA - Former Chelsea captain John Terry will return to a club where he won 17 trophies including five Premier League titles and the Champions League with a stint as a coaching consultant at the club's Academy.

"I am pleased to announce that I will be returning, and have taken on a role as a consultant at the Chelsea FC academy," the 41-year-old former defender said on social media.

"In addition to filling out field training sessions, I will be involved in coaching discussions and mentoring our academy players," he said.

The former England captain, who has been on hiatus since leaving his job as assistant coach at Aston Villa in July, will focus on Chelsea's youth development programme.

"The Blues legend will work with our young players and coaching staff on our youth development programme, sharing the vast experience gained from his 20-year playing career and recent tenure as assistant coach at Aston Villa," the club said in a statement. a statement on its official website.

Despite being involved in bad incidents on and off the pitch during his career as a player, Chelsea head of youth development Neil Bath said Terry would be a 'great mentor' to the youngsters.

"It goes without saying that John's experience in the sport, both as a world class player and also recently as an assistant coach in the Premier League, will be invaluable to everyone here," said Bath.

"He will be a great mentor to our players and a fantastic asset to our coaching staff. We can't wait for him to start."