PERADI DPN Files Pretrial Detention Of Advocates By The Attorney General's Office

JAKARTA - The National Board of Indonesian Advocates Association (DPN PERADI) has finally submitted a Pretrial Application to the Indonesian Attorney General's Office for the determination and detention of advocate Didit Wijayanto Wijaya (DWW) conducted by Jampidsus investigators at the Indonesian Attorney General's Office on November 30, 2021.

Not long after the DWW advocates were picked up and detained, PERADI DPN General Chair Otto Hasibuan immediately formed a team to order the Advocate Profession Defense Division (PPA) to find out the problem. The PPA Division of DPN PERADI has met with investigators, and several times met with DWW advocates to find out the facts about what happened to him.

"Based on the information and facts obtained by DPN PERADI, it has been concluded that DWW advocates are indeed exercising power (accompaniment) in examining his client as a witness in the case that is being investigated by the AGO," said Antoni Silo, Head of PPA Division at PERADI DPN in a written statement, Wednesday. December 29.

He believes that DWW advocates really carry out their profession in good faith and in accordance with statutory provisions. On the other hand, DWW advocates have received inappropriate treatment by investigators against advocates; there was an expulsion by investigators when a DWW advocate accompanied his client to be examined.

The pretrial application was registered at the South Jakarta District Court Registrar's Office on December 15, 2021 with register number: 125/Pid.Pra/2021/PN.Jkt.Sel, signed by the Panmud Pidan of the South Jakarta District Court Edi Sarwono.

A total of 18 advocates for PPA were sent to face the pretrial hearing. PERADI's Deputy Chairperson of DPN Hendrik Jehaman acts as Team Leader. Chairman of the PPA DPN PERADI, Antoni Silo, as Team Secretary.

At present, even though it is in the atmosphere of the Nataru 2021 final holiday, the team is still on standby waiting for a court summons from the South Jakarta District Court. Team Leader Dr Hendrik Jehaman said that the Pretrial Application was an order from the General Chair as proof of the seriousness of the PERADI DPN in upholding the dignity of advocates as law enforcers protected by the Advocates Law.

"Hopefully the South Jakarta District Court agrees with our legal reasons and arguments. Thus, it can give an objective and fair verdict in this case," said Antoni Silo.

"This pretrial application represents the concern of the PERADI DPN regarding the plurality of incidents of dislike and arbitrariness of investigators against the role and position of advocates in the field. If understood correctly, there should be mutual respect and appreciation because both investigators and advocates who provide legal assistance are equally carrying out the orders of the law. Invite," he concluded.