YLKI: It's Time For DKI Residents To Switch To Pertamax Or Pertamax Turbo
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Consumers Foundation (YLKI) stated that vehicles in DKI Jakarta should not use premium types of fuel oil (BBM) to reduce air pollution in the capital city.
"Now that there is a discourse to abolish premium, Jakarta should no longer use premium, it should have used Pertamax or even Pertamax Turbo with lower emissions," said YLKI Chairman Tulus Abadi in a public discussion about transportation services in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, 29 December.
According to him, the level of air pollution can be exacerbated by the use of cheap fuel such as premium because it has higher levels of exhaust emissions. Even so, to reduce air pollution, the relevant solution is to switch from using private transportation to public transportation or mass transportation.
YLKI encourages business entities in the field of transportation services in Jakarta, including TransJakarta to innovate services to consumers both pre-trip, during the trip to after the trip.
"Especially now that everything is driven by the integration of tariffs, modes, MRT, LRT so that it is positive to organize transportation and consumers must be pampered with various services," he added.
Previously, the government encouraged the use of RON 90 gasoline as an environmentally friendly fuel oil because Indonesia is now entering an energy transition period.
"We are entering a transition period, premium RON 88 will be replaced with pertalite RON 90, before finally we will use environmentally friendly fuels," said Director of Downstream Oil and Gas Business Development at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Soerjaningsih in a statement in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 22. then.
He explained that the current premium RON 88 is only used by seven countries and the volume used is very small. People are starting to become aware of using better quality fuel oil.
The government, he said, is preparing a roadmap for environmentally friendly fuel oil with a plan that pertalite will also be replaced with fuel of better quality.
"With this roadmap, there is a timetable for us to use environmentally friendly fuel. There is a time when pertalite must be dry, we must shift from pertalite to pertamax," he said.
The government will try to reduce the turmoil that arises in the community related to the shifting process from pertalite to pertamax. The change from premium to pertalite is estimated to be able to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 14 percent. The change from pertalite to pertamax will reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 27 percent.