Fire In The AGO Building, Police Investigate And Ask Witnesses For Information

JAKARTA - The police are currently carrying out an investigation after the fire, which burned the entire Main Office of the Attorney General's Office. Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Nana Sudjana said the forensic laboratory team and Inafis would start moving.

"We will conduct an investigation into the cause of the fire, which can be said to have been severe due to hotspots, from temporary information on the sixth floor and down to the first floor," Nana told reporters in Jakarta, Sunday, August 23.

"Today the laboratory team and Inafis which we have formed will investigate the cause of the fire," he added, saying that the team would also be filled with several members from the Adhiyaksa Corps.

This investigation, said Nana, would also be carried out by examining witnesses who knew about the incident. However, he did not explain the number of witnesses his party would examine.

"Several witnesses will also be questioned and today a mapping will be carried out," he said.

It is known that the Attorney General's Office building on Jalan Sultan Hasanudin Dalam 1, Jakarta caught fire. This fire started at 19.10 WIB and it is not certain what caused it. The part that was burned was the part of the Main Building which consisted of the staffing, training and intelligence rooms.

After burning for almost 12 hours, the fire finally went out at around 06.28 WIB. A total of 65 fire engines including two Bronto Skylift units were deployed to extinguish the fire. There were no fatalities in this incident.

Previously, the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD had ensured that the case documents handled by the Adhiyaksa Corps were safe. He said that none of the case documents in the Main Office of the Attorney General's Office were burned.

"Regarding the fire in the AGO building, it can be informed that the case documents are safe so that the continuation of case handling will not be too disturbed," Mahfud MD said in his Twitter account @mohmahfudmd.

The building of the Attorney General's Office that caught fire was the intelligence room and the HR room. Mahfud MD admitted that he had communicated with Attorney General ST Burhanuddin and Junior Attorney General for General Crimes Fadhil Zumhana.

"Speculation also does not need to be further developed. The detention building for the suspects detained at the Attorney General's Office is also in another part that is not reached by the fire. The detention building is at the back of the building some distance from the flames. Security has been tightened," he wrote.