Sri Mulyani Disburses Financing For Ultra Micro Entrepreneurs In The Borobudur Temple Area

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) through the Government Investment Center (PIP) is said to have reached an agreement with the Implementing Agency for the Borobudur Authority (BPOB) regarding the disbursement of financing for ultra-micro entrepreneurs in the Borobudur tourism area.

PIP President Director Ririn Kadariyah said the synergy built with BPOB includes various training and assistance, such as financial management, increasing business capacity, and improving the quality of human resources.

"We together with BPOB are ready to coordinate and facilitate promotion and marketing facilities," he said in a press statement, Wednesday, December 29.

Just so you know, PIP is a Public Service Agency (BLU) under the supervision of the Directorate General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance who serves as the coordinator of the UMi financing program funds for ultra micro business actors who cannot be reached by banks.

While BPOB is a BLU under the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy which carries out the function of developing the Borobudur Tourism Area.

"Synergy is an important part in encouraging service improvement, accountability and transparency at BLU," said Ririn.

Previously, the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani had said that synergy between BLUs was needed to encourage the government's efforts to restore the economy.

"The government's policy in the PEN program cannot be separated from the participation of 252 BLUs, which with their flexibility can be more agile and responsive to the dynamics of the pandemic, especially in supporting MSMEs to survive," he said some time ago.

To note, since it was launched in 2017 until now, the amount of ultra-micro financing that has been disbursed by the government has reached Rp. 18 trillion for 5.38 million business actors. Meanwhile, the highest ceiling value that can be obtained by this populist sector entrepreneur is IDR 20 million per debtor.