Women In Bali Embezzle Hundreds Of Millions Of Company Money For Online Gambling

BULELENG - The woman with the initials NPA (32) was arrested by the Buleleng Police Team, Bali. The NPA embezzled company money for online gambling.

"Some of the money received was used to play online gambling and an amount of Rp 537,000,000 was withdrawn in cash by the perpetrator and her husband and the remaining money was then confiscated by investigators," said Head of Public Relations of the Buleleng Police Iptu Gede Sumarjaya, Wednesday, December 29.

The disclosure of the company's embezzlement began with a report by representatives of PT Komunika Mitra Perkasa. The reporter reported the perpetrator to the Buleleng Police on December 15.

From this report the police conducted an investigation and examined a number of witnesses. The perpetrator took the money that should have been deposited with the company.

"After the perpetrator received the money, which should have been handed over to the company, it was not carried out and the money was not deposited and used alone," he said.

The police confiscated Rp115 million in cash as evidence. The perpetrators were charged with Article 372 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 374 of the Criminal Code.