2021 Tax Target Fulfilled, DGT Employees Get A Bonus Of Up To Rp117 Million?

JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) made a brilliant achievement this year by achieving the tax revenue target before the end of the year.

In the official release of the Ministry of Finance, it was stated that until December 26, 2021, tax revenue was Rp. 1,231.87 trillion. This figure is higher than the target in the 2021 APBN Law which is Rp. 1,229.6 trillion.

In fact, this achievement is very special. First, success occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic with quite strong economic pressure. Second, it managed to reach the target before the 2021 book close. Third, egg cracking after 12 years had never reached the tax target since 2008.

However, do you know that the government has actually prepared a bonus scheme for the ranks of the Ministry of Finance's DGT if they succeed in penetrating tax revenues?

Just so you know, in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 35 of 2015 concerning Employee Performance Allowances in the Directorate General of Taxes, it is mandated to provide special incentives if the tax target is achieved.

"That in order to improve the performance of employees within the Directorate General of Taxes in carrying out the functions, duties, and authorities in tax collection in order to support state revenues from the taxation sector, it is necessary to regulate employee performance allowances within the Directorate General of Taxes based on the achievement of the determined tax revenue performance, ” said one of the items in the regulation.

VOI then tried to confirm this to the Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance Suryo Utomo on Tuesday, December 28, 2021. However, until this news was published, Suryo had yet to give an official statement.

The following is an estimate of the amount of the bonus in question based on information collected by the editors.

Echelon I Structural Officer Position Rank 27 Rp. 117.3 million Structural Official Rank Position 26 Rp. 99.7 million Structural Officer Rank Position 25 Rp. 95.6 million Structural Officer Rank Position 24 Rp.

Echelon II Structural Officials Rank Position 23 Rp. 81.9 million Structural Officials Rank Position 22 Rp. 72.5 million Structural Officials Rank Position 21 Rp. 64.1 million Structural Officials Rank Position 20 Rp. 56.7 million Main Computer Administrator Rank Position 20 Rp. 42.5 million

Echelon III Structural Officer Position Rank 19 IDR 46.4 million Structural Officer Rank 18 IDR 42.0 million Intermediate Tax Auditor Rank Position 18 IDR 34.1 million Intermediate PBB Appraiser Rank Position 18 IDR 28.9 million Structural Official Rank Position 17 IDR 37.2 million Intermediate Computer Administrator Position Rank 17 IDR 27.9 million

Echelon IV Structural Officer Position Rank 16 IDR 28.7 million Young Tax Auditor Rank 16 IDR 25.1 million Young PBB Assessment Position 16 IDR 21.5 million Structural Officer Position Rank 15 IDR 25.4 million Tax Auditor Supervisor Position 15 IDR 22.2 million PBB Assessment Supervisor Position Rank 15 Rp19.0 million Structural Officer Position Rank 14 Rp22.9 million Main Computer Administrator Position Rank 14 Rp21.5 million First Tax Auditor Rank Position 13 Rp17.2 million Supervisory Computer Administrator Position Rank 13 Rp16.1 million First Computer Administrator Position Position 13 Rp16.1 million PBB assessment Supervisor of Position Rank 13 Rp. 15.1 million Examiner of Advanced Implementing Tax Position of Rank 12 Rp. ,6 millionAccount Representative Level I Position Rank 11 Rp14.6 million Other Executor Position Rank 11 Rp10.7 million Computer Administrator Advanced Implementing Position Position 10 Rp13.9 million Objection Reviewer Level II Position Rank 10 Rp13.9 million Account Representative Level II Position Rank 10 Rp13.9 Other Executor Position Rank 10 Rp10.2 million Examiner Implementing Tax for Position Rank 9 Rp. 13.3 million Land and Building Tax Assessment for Implementing Position 9 Rp. 12.4 million. Objection Reviewer Level IV Position Rank 9 Rp. 13.3 million Account Representative Level III Position Rank 9 Rp. 13.3 million Other Implementing Position Rank 9 Rp. 9.7 million 8 Rp12.6 million Objection Reviewer Level V Position Position 8 Rp12.6 million Account Representative Level IV Position Rank 8 Rp12.6 million Other Implementing Position Rank 8 Rp8.4 million- Computer Administrator Novice Implementing Position Rank 7 Rp12.3 million Account Representative Level V Position Rank 7 Rp12.3 million Other Executive Rank Position 7 Rp8.2 million Implementing Position Rank 6 Rp.7.6 million Executing Position 5 Rp7.1 million Implementing Position 4 Rp.5.3 million