Bogor Regent Forms Park Ranger To Protect The Beauty Of Cibinong Raya

BOGOR - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of Bogor, West Java formed a team of park rangers to monitor the beauty of the face of the capital city in the Cibinong Raya area.

"This must be guarded starting from Sentul, Pakansari, to Tegar Faith, we have prepared a park ranger who will supervise 24 hours," said Head of Bogor Regency Satpol PP, Agus Ridhallah in Cibinong, Bogor, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

According to him, the park ranger, which consists of joint personnel from the regional apparatus, will oversee public facilities such as parks and pedestrians.

The regional apparatus involved are the Satpol PP, the Environment Service (DLH), the Housing and Settlement Areas (DPKPP), and the Transportation Service.

"According to functions, Satpol PP is related to public order, DLH is related to cleanliness, DPKPP is related to parks, and Dishub is related to parking. We will monitor every point that we have determined," said Agus.

He said that every day there would be around 100 park rangers patrolling the Sentul Circuit Intersection to Jalan Tegar Beliman Cibinong. The hundreds of park rangers are assigned three shifts, so that each shift involves about 40 park rangers.

Previously, Bogor Regent Ade Yasin said that this year the Bogor Regency Government used a regional budget of Rp. 356.5 billion for the City Beautification Project, which includes the construction of the Pancakarsa Monument, pedestrians, road quality improvement, and the procurement of trash bins in Cibinong Raya. .

The use of the budget is spread across four regional apparatuses, namely Rp. 328 billion to the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office, Rp. 21 billion to the Department of Housing, Settlement Areas, Rp. 437 million to the Department of Environment, and Rp. 7.3 billion to the Department of Transportation.

According to him, through this program, Bogor Regency now has a new icon, namely the Pancakarsa Monument. He believes that the monument that was built at the Sentul Circuit Junction has a dual function, namely to beautify the face of the capital city and break up traffic jams in the area.

"After the existence of this monument, the first thing to do is to reduce congestion. So we have also freed up the surrounding land, so the system is flow, the way is rotated in a clockwise direction, so we hope that there will be no more significant congestion," said Ade Yasin.