The Controlled Pace Of COVID-19 Is The Reason For The Government To Relax Holiday Activities

JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy said the reason the government relaxed various activities during the Christmas and New Year holidays was because the rate of transmission of COVID-19 was getting under control.

"This is why we have the confidence to open people's movements more freely this Christmas and New Year," said Muhadjir when speaking at the Two-Year Reflection on Muhammadiyah's Role in Pandemic Handling, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 28. .

According to him, the national daily confirmed case data in the last two weeks continued to decline with an average of around 100-300 cases per day. In addition, the trend of the positivity rate is also getting lower, which is below one, 0.1-0.2 percent. This condition is different from the situation last year in the same period which reached 13.6 percent.

WHO sets the minimum threshold for the positivity rate of less than five percent. Muhadjir said the lower the positivity rate of an area, the better the pandemic condition.

In addition, the achievement of the first dose of vaccination has reached 159,803,372 people or 76.73 percent of the target, while those who received the second dose of vaccine were 111,177,232 or 53.38 percent of the target. The third dose has reached 1,303,225 or 0.63 percent of the total target of 208,266,720 Indonesians.

Muhadjir hopes that after the year-end holiday, the current sloping COVID-19 condition will be maintained and under control. He asked the public not to be careless and continue to apply health protocols. In addition, the government also continues to be accelerated to achieve the national target.

"Our hope is that we can maintain this condition properly. Then next year, God willing, Lebaran can run normally. At least we can hold it like Christmas today," he said.

On the one hand, said Muhadjir, in an effort to recover the economic sector and other human development, a pentahelix collaboration is needed consisting of the government, the private sector, universities, community organizations, and the mass media.

"Including the involvement of Muhammadiyah as a community organization that has a hospital, has a university, all of which have a very large contribution and have a meaningful meaning," he said.