Good News From Subang, Regency Government Collaborates With IPB To Develop Simadu Pineapple

JAKARTA - The Subang Regency Government (Pemkab) cooperates with the Institute for Research and Community Service (LPPM) of the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) related to the cultivation of Simadu Pineapple which is one of Subang's special fruits. Deputy Regent of Subang Agus Masykur, in Subang, Tuesday, said his party supports The research and collaboration plan with LPPM IPB is in an effort to develop the cultivation of Simadu Subang Pineapple. In 1 hectare, farmers only get 2-6 Pineapple Simadu. He said, research conducted by LPPM IPB will be able to educate pineapple farmers, especially regarding planting Simadu Pineapple, so that the symbol of Subang City as Pineapple City, especially Simadu is proven." It is hoped that the results of the research can be followed up continue to be used as a program for the Department of Agriculture," he said. Meanwhile, the representative of LPPM IPB Prayoga said that his party had presented the results of the research that had been carried out by the team and postgraduate students of IPB related to the cultivation of Simadu Subang Pineapple during IPB Goes To Fields (IGTF). He stated the purpose of The research was to analyze the Simadu and non-Simadu Pineapple in Subang and isolate the characterization of root endorite microorganisms in the Simadu and non-Simadu Pineapple. He hopes that the Subang Regency Government will support a demonstration plot of 1-4 hectares of land to test the consortium, so that the growth of Simadu Pineapple can be abundant.