New Year's Eve, The Entire Square In East Java To The Main Access To The Regional Entrance Is Closed
SURABAYA - All arterial roads entering and leaving between districts/cities in East Java were closed on the eve of the New Year's Eve 2022. This step was taken to limit the mobility of residents in celebration of the turn of the year.
"This is an effort to anticipate community gatherings on New Year's Eve. Also to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which has not yet ended," said the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, in Surabaya, Tuesday, December 28.
Khofifah said the road closure started at 20.00 WIB and reopened at 05.00 WIB. In addition to the main road, Khofifah said that at the same time all squares in 38 regencies/cities in East Java were closed.
"This place has the potential to be used for community gatherings and convoys on New Year's Eve. So, everything is confirmed to be closed starting at eight at night," he said.
However, Khofifah said there are some exceptions that are still allowed to pass, such as logistics vehicles, fuel oil, emergencies, especially health services. "Those who gather with family and relatives are limited to no more than 50 people," he said.
Khofifah emphasized that there will be no New Year's Eve celebrations in all areas, including gatherings, setting off fireworks or parades around the city.
Therefore, Khofifah appealed to the public to limit mobility, to anticipate the entry of a third wave, especially the new variant of the COVID-19 virus, Omicron.
"Let's maintain a very good atmosphere. God willing, COVID-19 in East Java is currently under control and don't be careless about health protocols on every line, wherever they are," he said.