Wali Nagari, Bhabinsa And Friends Are Ready To Be Rewarded With Umrah Gifts From The West Sumatra Provincial Government, As Long As They Are Successful In Doing This

SUMBAR - The West Sumatra Provincial Government has prepared prizes for government officials in five nagari/villages/kelurahan with high COVID-19 vaccination coverage in an effort to achieve the vaccination coverage target of 70 percent of the target on December 31, 2021.

"Rewards (gifts) we give to wali nagari, bhabinsa, and bhabinkamtibmas, in the form of Umrah (travel facilities)," said West Sumatra Governor Mahyeldi in Padang, Antara, Tuesday, December 28.

He said the gift giving was aimed at encouraging the nagari/village/kelurahan government to innovate in order to accelerate the increase in the coverage of COVID-19 vaccinations.

The governor explained that the provincial government and regional leadership communication forums had made various efforts to accelerate the increase in COVID-19 vaccination coverage, including by sending 16 teams of vaccination officers to districts and cities.

However, he said, the low mobilization of citizens to undergo vaccination made the team of vaccination officers unable to carry out their duties optimally.

"The mobility of the people belongs to the districts and cities, so we hope that the regents and mayors can maximize their efforts," he said.

According to the vaccination coverage map published on the vaccination information page of the Ministry of Health on December 28, 2021, the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination has been carried out on 2,901,187 people or 65.8 percent of the 4,408,509 residents who were targeted for vaccination in West Sumatra. the second was only carried out on 1,796,341 people or 40.7 percent of the target.

The Provincial Government of West Sumatra only has a few days to increase the coverage of the first dose of vaccination from 65.8 percent to 70 percent of the target on December 31, 2021.

Head of the West Sumatra Health Service Arry Yuswandi said that areas that still needed support to achieve the COVID-19 vaccination coverage target included Agam, Padang Pariaman, Tanah Datar, Pesisir Selatan, Solok, and West Pasaman.

"For these areas to be looking for more than 5,000 people a day (to be vaccinated)," he said.