Follow This Method To Protect Your Account From Being Hacked

JAKARTA - Many important information and data are stored in an account. Usually the account is created as an identity for the user to transact in e-commerce or social media.

These accounts are often targeted by cyber criminals, who take advantage of application loopholes or negligence from account owners. In many cases, hackers can take over someone's account without being noticed.

If this happens, there are still many ways that can be done. Here are some tips from Kaspersky for dealing with hacked accounts, as quoted from its official statement on Friday, August 21.

1. Reset Password

When someone tries to take over an account, certain web pages will usually send a security notification message. If that happens, it's a good idea for the user to immediately reset the password or validated password from your account.

2. Tell People Nearby

It's good, to warn the closest people, both colleagues and closest family, if the account you are currently using has been hacked. This step prevents unwanted actions, if at any time hackers use information on behalf of your account.

That way, the people closest to them can anticipate unreasonable requests on behalf of the account. Which is often the case, when someone asks for cash for an emergency.

3. Immediately contact the banking authority

The thing to note, if the hacker has managed to steal your account is to immediately contact the banking or financial service authorities. So that banks can block financial transactions on behalf of the account.

4. Use an Antivirus

Sometimes, hackers will contact, and claim to have logged into your account after infecting your computer with malicious malware. To anticipate this kind of thing, you can scan your computer using antivirus software.

This is to ensure that the computer is free of malware that can be used to steal account passwords. Moreover, cyber criminals often commit fraud by using computer virus notifications.

5. Change the password frequently

Most likely, hackers take advantage of the negligence of internet users who often use one password for many accounts at once. So in addition to resetting passwords, it's a good idea for internet users to add security questions as a verification step to make it difficult for hackers to take over your account.