Breaking News, Ministry Of Health Announces Local Transmission Of Omicron Cases, Transmission In SCBD

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health announced that there is currently local transmission of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 transmission in Indonesia.

This local transmission found one case. Thus, currently there are 47 cases of Omicron, of which 46 cases are imported cases and 1 case is local transmission.

"We report that there is one case of local transmission of Omicron Indonesia, so that as of Tuesday, December 28, there were 47 positive confirmed cases of Omicron in Indonesia," said a spokeswoman from the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi in a virtual press conference, Tuesday, December 28.

Nadia revealed that the first case of Omicron local transmission was found in a 37-year-old man who did not have foreign travel.

The patient and his wife live in Medan and go to Jakarta once a month. From existing data, they arrived in Jakarta on December 6 last.

Then, on December 17th, they visited a restaurant in SCBD, South Jakarta, and on December 19th they tested positive for COVID-19.

"The patient and his wife did an antigen test and they were declared positive because the person concerned was planning to return to Medan. Then PCR was carried out on December 20 and confirmation of omicron was obtained from the laboratory on December 26," explained Nadia. As a follow-up, this patient is in the process Evacuation for isolation at the Sulianti Saroso Infection Center Hospital, North Jakarta.

"The Health Office has coordinated with the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency to carry out tracing at the place the person concerned came to, in SCBD, and also around the person's residence, as well as tracing related activities carried out by the person concerned while in Jakarta," said Nadia.