Police Detain 6 Sidrap Footballers Who Persecuted 3rd League Referees In Enrekang

MAKASSAR - The Enrekang Police, South Sulawesi, immediately detained six PS Nene Mallomo Sidrap soccer players for abusing the referee during a Liga 3 match in Enrekang.

Enrekang Police Chief AKBP Andi Sinjaya Ghalib said the six players who were named suspects and had been detained were after the case was carried out.

"We have carried out a case and the six players have abused us. We have also secured the evidence," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 27.

Six football players were arrested, namely Ilham Selano, Arman Surianto, Safwan, Muhammad Syamdan, Al Ashari and Ilham.

AKBP Andi Sinjaya said the six suspects were PS Nene Mallomo Sidrap players and were subject to Article 170 Juncto Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of 6 years in prison.

He explained that the victim Romi Daeng Rewa who led the Liga 3 match between PS Gasma Enrekang against PS Nene Mallomo Sidrap was colored by chaos from a number of players who jointly abused the match referee.

He explained, after the official report from the victim accompanied by the results of the post-mortem and match recordings, his party then carried out an investigation and examined about 10 people, namely the victim, match equipment, players and parties from PSSI.

"We examined 10 people, the victims themselves, match officials, players and from PSSI. After the examination, proceeded with the case title to the determination of the suspect. For the evidence, the results of the post-mortem, video recordings of the match, the shoes used by the perpetrators and the referee's clothes, " he said.

Previously, the incident of abuse began when there was a violation in the Gasma Enrekang defense area by PS player Nene Mallomo.

The referee who gave a penalty with a shot on goal and was given the player's fence line was protested by PS player Nene Mallomo until it ended in mistreatment by the players.