The Nat Turner Rebellion In Virginia: One Of The Most Bloody Movements In US Slavery History

JAKARTA - The struggle of the black slaves in the United States (US) has a long historical root. One of them is the Nat Turner movement in Virginia. This action was the bloodiest in the history of US slavery.

Nat Turner, who is a black slave, believes he was chosen by God to lead his group out of slavery. To end this suffering he felt the need to launch a bloody rebellion in Southampton County, Virginia, United States.

Launching History, Turner, who is also a Christian preacher, plans to take over the arsenal in Jerusalem which is now known as Courtland, Virginia. He then traveled 30 miles to the Dismal Swamp.

With seven improvised followers, Turner finished off the armory owner Joseph Travis and his family. He then fled to the countryside to collect hundreds of slaves to revolt on his way to Jerusalem.

Today August 21 two centuries ago or in 1831 the uprising began. For two days and two nights, Turner and 75 of his followers took their revenge in Southampton County. He killed about 60 white people.

The white people together with the local military which consisted of about 3,000 men then fought them. They managed to put down the rebellion in just 48 hours.

Turner and all of his followers were disbanded, captured and killed. However, Turner had been hiding in the Dismal Swamp area for almost two months. Finally he was found accidentally by a hunter on October 30th.

After being arrested and confessing his actions without showing remorse, he was sentenced to death. Turner was executed on 11 November in Jerusalem.

Getting more and more brutal

According to the Oxford University Press, the Nat Turner rebellion was one of the bloodiest and most effective in American history. This sparked fear in Virginia that eventually spread throughout the South and sparked the Civil War.

After the uprising, many Southern states including North Carolina tightened restrictions on African Americans. Suspicion arose that many slaves were hanged without cause, even though they were not involved in the rebellion.

This rebellion is arguably the most decisive, but unfortunately there is still a long way to go to end slavery. His movement actually pushed for the creation of oppressive laws.

In that law, leather slaves were prohibited from associating, let alone making movements. And worst of all there are regulations that prohibit education for slaves.