Mayor Of Surabaya Facilitates Access To Additional Social Assistance Recipients From The Ministry Of Social Affairs

SURABAYA - Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi makes it easier for the public to receive additional social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs which will be distributed at the GOR Pancasila Field in Surabaya, from December 28-29.

"By the end of the year, everything must be realized. So I ask the Mayor (Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, ed.) to prepare a place (distribution of social assistance, ed.) for everything, so that it can be completed within the next two days. And this is normal when I appeal to regional heads," said Minister of Social Affairs (Mensos) Tri Rismaharini after conducting a review of the distribution of aid in Pakis Village, Surabaya, quoted by Antara, Monday, December 27.

He said that it was necessary to make it easier for residents to immediately disburse assistance from the government, including to get a Prosperous Family Card (KKS).

"Because time doesn't exist anymore, if people can't afford it, they need transportation costs and it's also hard for them. So I asked for direct manual transactions," he said.

Although residents have not received KKS and the residents' data is synchronized with data from the Ministry of Social Affairs, Social Minister Risma asked the bank to continue to disburse assistance.

This is because his party has carried out data control and as a result, there are many names of new proposals that do not yet have KKS.

Meanwhile, Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi explained that his party was moving quickly to facilitate residents to get social assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

"Mrs. Risma has been very concerned about the underprivileged residents in Surabaya, so the city government has also moved quickly to facilitate residents so that they can easily get help, without being complicated, according to Mrs. Risma's directions," he said.

A number of direct steps were taken by Eri Cahyadi to facilitate the distribution of social assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs, first, providing a place for distribution of aid. With a centralized help center, all processes can be directly integrated. If there is a problem, a solution can be found immediately.

"The Minister has given it to the people of Surabaya. Tomorrow (the distribution of aid, ed.) I will place it in the Gelora Pancasila, so that what the Minister said can be useful for the people can be felt immediately, by Wednesday (12/29) it must be distributed all," he said.

The second step, continued Eri, is to facilitate the transportation of aid recipients from their respective sub-districts to the distribution site.

"I have instructed the sub-district and village heads to facilitate residents who come to the Pancasila Gelora, using a car or bus," he said.

The third step that Eri took was to facilitate all the data synchronization processes for the beneficiary.

"I asked the city government data to be synchronized. The City Government is moving with all its might so that the verification process runs quickly. For example, Himbara needs help for immediate validation, the City Government is ready to fully support it," he said.

In Kelurahan Pakis, Eri Cahyadi seemed to come down immediately to help speed up data management. He instructed that the data problem be resolved quickly.

Eri also seemed to ask for directions from Social Minister Risma. Eri also called a number of sub-district heads to immediately prepare transportation facilities that make it easier for residents to pick up assistance at places that have been determined by invitation.

"There is a time, it will be arranged so it doesn't pile up, tomorrow at the Pancasila Gelora," he said.