Judge Rejects Kuantan Singingi Regent Pretrial, KPK Gives Appreciation

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) appreciates the decision of the South Jakarta District Court judge, which rejected the pretrial application filed by the inactive Kuantan Singingi (Kuansing) Regent Andi Putra (AP).

"KPK appreciates the judge's decision to reject the pretrial application submitted by suspect AP. This decision confirms that the case handling process by the KPK has been carried out in accordance with the mechanism of applicable legal provisions," said Acting KPK Spokesperson Ali Fikri in a statement in Jakarta, Monday, December 27. .

In his considerations, said Ali, the pretrial judge stated that the KPK in carrying out its duties was subject to the Criminal Procedure Code (KUHAP), the Corruption Crime Act (Tipikor) and the KPK Law.

He said the judge in his consideration also decided that the determination of the suspect against the applicant (Andi Putra) was legal and based on law.

"So that the actions of the respondent (KPK) in issuing the Corruption Crime Incident Report/LKTPK, investigation warrants, confiscation warrants, and detention warrants are also legal according to law," said Ali.

After the pretrial decision, Ali said the KPK would continue its investigation of the suspect and immediately transfer the case against Andi Putra to the corruption court. the alleged bribery case related to the extension of the right to use oil palm concession in Kuansing Regency, Riau.

In the construction of the case, the KPK explained that in order to continue the business activities of PT Adimulia Agrolestari, which is applying for an extension of the HGU which starts in 2019 and will end in 2024, one of the requirements to re-extend the HGU is to build a partnership garden of at least 20 percent of the proposed HGU.

The location for the required 20 percent partnership garden owned by PT Adimulia Agrolestari is located in Kampar Regency, Riau where it should be in Kuansing Regency.

In order to fulfill these requirements, Sudarso then submitted a letter of application to Andi Putra and asked PT Adimulia Agrolestari's partnership plantation in Kampar to be approved as a partnership garden.

Next, Sudarso and Andi Putra met. Andi Putra said that the habit of arranging approval letters and statements of no objection to 20 percent of the Prima Member Cooperative Credit (KKPA) for the extension of the HGU which should be built in Kuansing Regency requires a minimum of IDR 2 billion.

As a sign of agreement, in September 2021, Sudarso allegedly gave Andi Putra the first gift of Rp 500 million. Furthermore, in October 2021, Sudarso is suspected of again handing over Rp200 million of money to Andi Putra. This was reported by Antara.