Syahrial Bribery Case, Ex-Secretary Of Tanjungbalai Sued 2 Years In Prison

MEDAN - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Public Prosecutor demanded the former Secretary of Tanjungbalai City, Yusmada, with a sentence of 2 years in prison. Yusmada was found guilty of a bribe to the Mayor of Tanjungbalai Syahrial in the amount of Rp. 100 million.

The KPK Public Prosecutor, Siswhandono, made this claim in a trial held at Cakra VIII, Medan District Court, Monday, December 27.

Yusmada's actions were found guilty of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b of the Corruption Eradication Law.

"Requesting that the panel of judges handling this case imposes a 2-year prison sentence on the defendant and a fine of Rp. 200 million, provided that if it is not paid, it will be replaced with 4 months' imprisonment," said prosecutor Siswhandono before a panel of judges chaired by Eliwarti.

In his letter of indictment, the KPK public prosecutor stated that the consideration of the charges included, among other things, that the defendant's actions did not support the government's program to eradicate corruption.

"The thing that relieves the defendant is being polite and sorry and admits his actions," he said.

The trial was then adjourned until another week to hear the defendant's defense.

In the indictment read by the KPK Public Prosecution team, it was revealed that Yusmada had bribed Syahrial in the amount of Rp. 100 million. The bribe money was based on Syahrial's request.

Prosecutor Siswandono said that at first the defendant Yusmada was met by Syahrial's confidant, Sajali Lubis alias Jali, who conveyed the information that he had been elected as the Regional Secretary of Tanjungbalai City. Yusmada was also asked to prepare Rp 500 million for Syahrial.

The defendant was only able to surrender Rp. 200 million. Submitted in advance Rp100 million.

Yusmada managed to qualify for the top 3 of the Tanjungbalai Regional Secretary's selection, receiving an assessment of 290.53 with the predicate of highly recommended.

Then on September 5 2019, Syahrial decided to choose Yusmada as the Regional Secretary of Tanjungbalai City by issuing the Tanjungbalai Mayor's Decree Number: 820/445/k/2019 concerning Transfers of Civil Servants in the Tanjungbalai City Government.