In The City Of Gibran Rakabuming, It's Easy To Meet People Who Don't Wear Masks On The Streets

JAKARTA - Violation of masks by some people became the concern of the Surakarta City Satpol PP during the 2021 Christmas holiday.

"Even from December 22-26 yesterday we distributed nearly 4,600 masks. This means that those who didn't wear masks yesterday we stopped, almost 1,000 masks (which were distributed) every day," said Head of Surakarta City Satpol PP Arif Darmawan in Solo, Monday 27 December reported by Antara.

Regarding this mask violation, he admitted, recently some motorcyclists who passed the protocol road intentionally did not wear masks.

Regarding this, his party has reported to the Mayor of Surakarta, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, including the need for socialization of the use of masks to the public.

"The pandemic is still there, it is necessary (socialization of masks). Do not let people slack off, because if you look at the current trend, people are (starting) slack," he said.

Previously, the government through the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) had issued Circular Letter of the Minister of Religion Number 33 of 2021 concerning Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in the Implementation of Worship and Commemoration of Christmas Day in 2021. rules well to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19 in the period of Christmas 2021 and New Year's 2022.

He said that one of the SEs contained the implementation of tightening and supervising health procedures in churches or places that functioned as churches with the provisions in accordance with PPKM.

In addition, he said, the church was asked to form a health project task force that coordinates with the COVID-19 Task Force in their respective regions and that worship should be carried out without being excessive and emphasizing fellowship in the family.