Happy To Participate In Vaccination In Southeast Maluku, Can Get Basic Food In The Form Of Rice 3 Kilograms And Sugar 1 Kilogram

JAKARTA - A combination of several policy makers with the Southeast Maluku (Malra) District Government, Maluku Province, provided free food and basic food packages for residents who took part in mass vaccination until the end of December 2021. "The basic food packages are three kilograms of rice and one kilogram of sugar, and there are entertainment and food for vaccination participants," said Malra PKK Mobilization Team Leader Eva Eliya Hanubun on the sidelines of mass vaccination at the Malra Regional Government Multipurpose Building in Langgur, Monday. The local PKK Mobilization Team and supported by the Maluku Protestant Church Partnership Commission (KK-GPM), the Catholic Women of the Republic of Indonesia (WKRI), and the Southeast Maluku Taklim Council as well as the TNI-Polri. the.

Eva Eliya Hanubun said that this was done as a form of TP-PKK's support to realize the government's program to achieve herd immunity in Malra. The implementation is scheduled for four days on 27-30 December 2021. Residents are enthusiastic to come, because the committee provides basic necessities, entertainment stages and free food, such as meatballs, soto, and young coconut ice. In the entertainment stage, food in the form of meatballs, soup, and young coconut ice is also provided for vaccination participants," said Eva. In Malra, it has reached 67.16 percent for the first dose, meaning that 62,844 people have been vaccinated from the cumulative number of vaccination targets in Malra, which is 93,569 people," Katrinje said. at least 70 percent.