So The Delay In The Construction Of The Jakarta Embankment Due To Budget Problems Or High Tides?

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government has resumed the construction of the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) coastal embankment on the coast of Jakarta. The embankment work was stopped two years ago.

Earlier this December, the Head of the DKI SDA Office, Yusmada Faizal, said that the construction of the embankment had been hampered by high sea tides and tidal flooding that had occurred since Friday, December 3, 2021. Tidal flooding was caused by sea water flowing past the embankment because the current height of the existing embankment cannot be met. withstand tidal waves, especially if the sea level (TMA) exceeds +240 PP. The average height of the inundation caused by the tidal flood was as high as 20-50cm.

But Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria admitted that the construction of the Jakarta Embankment had experienced budgetary constraints. This is because, he said, the construction of this tidal flood barrier requires a large amount of funds.

"Next year we will build a 22-kilometer (dyke) building, it does require a lot of money. Yes, there have been funding constraints. Not only Jakarta, all provinces throughout Indonesia require large funds to prevent flood control," Riza told reporters. , Monday, December 27.

Not to mention, there are still flood control programs besides the construction of embankments. Riza said that the DKI Provincial Government must allocate the flood management budget to dredging reservoirs, polders, pump maintenance, and constructing infiltration wells.

"More or less we budget for flood control every year of no less than Rp. 2 trillion. So, apart from the costs for education, health, flood control is among the biggest," he explained.

For information, the NCICD Embankment along the Jakarta coastline is a national strategic project (PSN). The work is carried out by the Ministry of PUPR and the DKI Provincial Government.

In total, the NCICD Embankment is targeted to be built along 130 kilometers from Kamal Muara to Blencong River. Currently, the government is targeting the initial priority construction of 46 kilometers.

There are already 12.6 kilometers of embankments that were built in the process from 2016 to 2019. Then, when it is continued again, 11 kilometers of embankments will be carried out by the Ministry of PUPR and 22 kilometers by the DKI Provincial Government. The DKI Provincial Government is targeting the construction of a 790-meter embankment during 2021.