SMRC Survey: 71.7 Percent Of Public Satisfied With President Jokowi's Performance

JAKARTA - The Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting Institute (SMRC) released the results of a survey entitled Economic-Political 2021 and Expectations of 2022: National Public Opinion online, Sunday, December 26.

In its survey, SMRC found that the majority of the public were satisfied with President Jokowi's performance. SMRC Research Director, Deni Irvani, explained that 71.7 percent of the people were very or quite satisfied with President Jokowi's work.

While those who are less or dissatisfied are only around 25.3 percent. And those who didn't answer were still around 3 percent.

"This level of satisfaction has been stable in the last two years," said Deni in his statement, Sunday, December 26. Deni said the level of satisfaction with the president's performance was in line with the public's evaluation of the performance of the central government in dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak and economic recovery. The majority of residents, said Deni, were very or quite satisfied with the work of the central government in dealing with COVID-19, which achieved 75 percent. While those who are less or dissatisfied are only 22 percent, and those who do not answer are 3 percent.

"This satisfaction has increased from 61 percent in the October 2020 survey to 75 percent in December 2021," Deni explained.

From the aspect of handling the economy, SMRC found that there were 60.1 percent of residents who were very or quite satisfied with the work of the central government in handling economic recovery due to COVID-19. Meanwhile, those who were less or dissatisfied were around 34.7 percent, and 5.2 percent did not know or did not answer.

"This level of satisfaction has increased in the last three months, from 50.7 percent in September 2021 to 60.1 percent in the last survey in December 2021," said Deni. The SMRC survey was conducted from 8 to 16 December involving 2,420 respondents from various regions. The method in this survey uses multistage random sampling, with a margin of error of 2.2 percent at a 95 percent confidence level.