Good News, Longest Toll Road In Sulawesi, Manado-Bitung Planned To Fully Operate January 2022

JAKARTA - President Director of PT Jasamarga Manado Bitung, Charles Lendra said, the full operation of the longest toll road in Sulawesi after the Ujung Pandang toll road is planned for January 2022. We do it," said Charles in Manado, as reported by Antara, Saturday, December 26. He said, before being fully operational, it will go through a feasibility test stage by several relevant agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation, Jasamarga, traffic police, and the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPN). BPJT). There are two scenarios when the feasibility test is carried out, namely December 27, 2021 or the first week in January 2022.

It's just that according to him, the option in the first week of January 2022 is more likely because from December 23, 2021 to January 4, 2022, the 39.9 km-long toll road will be temporarily functional for the implementation of Christmas and New Year. On January 4, we will temporarily close Section IIB for due diligence," he explained. It is planned that President Joko Widodo will carry out full operations at the beginning of the year. ) conducted a field visit to the functional readiness of section IIB Danowudu Bitung. The toll road that passes through North Minahasa Regency is built in four sections, sections IA, IB, IIA and IIB, the last section of which is currently being accelerated before being fully operational in January.