Hutama Karya's Focus In 2022, The Construction Of The Trans Sumatra Toll Road

JAKARTA - PT Hutama Karya Tbk, has launched a number of strategies for the upcoming 2022. One of the focuses is accelerating the construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road or JTTS.

President Director of Hutama Karya, Budi Harto, said that in addition to focusing on the first phase of construction, which consists of 8 construction sections, the company also accelerates the JTTS project development process and accelerates the completion of designs and land acquisition in priority sections.

"We will also increase construction productivity on freed land, speed up licensing related to external parties such as the National Road Implementation Center (BPJN), River Basin Center (BBWS) and State Property (BMN)," he said, in Jakarta. , Friday, December 24.

On the other hand, Hutama Karya also focuses on other non-BUJT projects such as roads, bridges, EPC projects, and transportation infrastructure. In addition, Hutama Karya views the importance of using new technology, because new technology will provide more efficient performance in future construction works.

Not only that, Hutama Karya will seek to optimize opportunities for obtaining new contracts on projects from the government, BUMN, and the private sector.

In the future, Budi said, the company's acquisition of new contracts will be heavily supported by non-Trans Sumatra toll road projects, especially road & related buildings, in line with Hutama Karya's focus on becoming a champion in this segment.

"We also see the potential for collaboration with the Hutama Karya flagship project with world class companies," he said.

Projects completed throughout 2021

Budi said that throughout 2021 Hutama Karya had successfully completed a national strategic project (PSN) and several other construction service infrastructure projects. Covering airports, toll roads, to power plants.

"At the beginning of the year, precisely in March 2021, Hutama Karya succeeded in operating the Medan-Binjai Toll Road Section 1 (Tanjung Mulia-Marelan) along 4.2 km and the JTTS Section Sigli-Banda Aceh Section 3 (Jantho-Marelan). Indrapuri) along 16 km," he said.

In other words, until the end of the year Hutama Karya had built a total of 626 KM for the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS). Then, Hutama Karya also succeeded in completing General Besar (JB) Sudirman Airport in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java in June 2021.

In July this year, there was a construction project for the Parmonangan-2 Mini-hydro Power Plant (PLTM) in North Tapanuli, North Sumatra. Then, in September 2021, Hutama Karya also succeeded in completing the Bendo Dam in Ponorogo Regency, East Java, which is a Joint Operation (JO) project between Hutama Karya and WIKA and Nindya Karya.

In the middle of this year, said Budi, the company has also completed the Manado Eye Hospital. Meanwhile, at the end of November Hutama Karya also completed the Gongseng Dam project in Bojonegoro and was inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

Budi said that by the end of 2021, Hutama Karya has targeted the completion of several other JTTS sections, namely the Pekanbaru-Padang section of the Pekanbaru-Bangkinang section of JTTS for 31 km, the JTTS for the Binjai-Langsa section of the Binjai-Stabat segment for 12 km and the Sigli-Banda Aceh section of the JTTS section. 2 along 6 Km.

Furthermore, Budi said that the value of construction contracts throughout 2021 reached IDR 8.45 trillion. This value includes Operational Cooperation (KSO) of Rp.4.42 trillion and Non-KSO's of Rp.4.03 trillion.

Budi also explained that as of September 2021 the company's EBITDA increased by 36.7 percent, while the company's equity grew to 13.1 percent.

Apart from JTTS, Budi continued, this year the company won 22 new contracts consisting of 14 infrastructure projects for roads, bridges, dams, and others. Five building projects, and three EPC projects. As for the end of 2021, there are 70 construction projects that are still on going, namely 18 EPC projects, 12 building projects, and 40 infrastructure projects spread from Aceh to Papua.

Several projects signed throughout 2021 include the MRT CP 203 project worth IDR 1.4 trillion, the ITDC Mandalika project worth IDR 376 billion, the Bantul Kretek Bridge project worth IDR 171 billion, the Ameroro Dam project in Central Sulawesi worth IDR 306 billion.

"The Sanur Pier project is worth IDR 205 billion, Pertamina's RU VII Kasim Open Access EPC project in Sorong, the East Java LPG project, the UPI building project in Bandung worth IDR 202 billion, the Malikussaleh University Building project in Aceh worth IDR 137 billion, the OJK Building project worth IDR 133 billion. , as well as the West Java Mosque project worth Rp223 billion," he said.

Then, continued Budi, some of the ongoing projects include the Lombok International Airport Runway, the Way Apu Dam, the Romokalisari Interchange on the Surabaya-Gresik Toll Road, construction on the Serbelawan-Siantar Toll Road worth IDR 2.2 trillion.

Then, there are the Aspena Pluit Sea View Apartments, the Soekarno Hatta Integrated Building, the STAN Polytechnic Building, the Suralaya PLTU, to the Lawe Lawe Facilities RDMP RU V.